Build Your Own First-Aid Kit For Imposter Syndrome!
Read time: 2 minutes
Imposter syndrome - that uneasy feeling that you’re just not good enough, or don't quite deserve your success...
Sound familiar? 🤔
You’re definitely not alone.
Over 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point, and women even more so…
I’ve been in marketing for nearly 20 years now, with over 15 of those in leadership roles.
I worked my way up from channel manager to the C-suite, earning every promotion through hard work. 🌟
Yet, entering in some meetings, I felt like I didn’t quite belong. 😔
Even today as a professional coach, that little voice sometimes whispers:
“Any minute now, they’ll figure out you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
But here's the thing:
While the voice hasn't disappeared, I've learned to quiet it. 💡
This week, I was honored to be invited to "WTF! - Women of Taxfix" to mark Equal Pay Day and share techniques to manage imposter syndrome.
And now, I'm glad to share them with you! 🙌
But first, let’s start by recognizing the signs of imposter syndrome:
Have you ever thought “I don’t belong here”?
Have you ever undermined your success by thinking “I was just lucky”?
Have you hesitated to apply for a role or speak up because you thought someone else would be more qualified than you?
Have you felt like you’ll be “found out” any day now?
If one or some of these resonate with you, you're in the right place - this newsletter is here to help! 💪
So now let's jump into 3️⃣ techniques you can use right when imposter creeps in - like a first-aid kit 🧰.
They may not resolve the underlying cause, but they can provide immediate relief and help you stay on track.
1️⃣ Power Poses
Amy Cuddy's research shows that adopting some power postures for a couple of minutes can boost confidence and reduce stress.
Here are 3 simple power poses you can try:

My personal favorite is the "hands on hips", also called the WonderWoman pose! 💪
It may feel silly at first, but it works!
Tip: when in the office, don't hesitate to go to the bathroom or a quiet room before a stress-triggering meeting to practice your 2mn power pose!
2️⃣ Wins Journal
Write down your successes and achievements, big or small, regularly.
Whenever self-doubt creeps in, look at your list - this is a tangible reminder of your capabilities and progress until now!
This practice shifts your perspective from “I can’t” to “Wow, I did all that, so yes I can!” ✨
Tip: take photos of your wins journal so you can access it anytime you need!
3️⃣ “What Would You Tell a Friend?”
Imagine your best friend confiding in you about their self-doubts, feeling exactly as you do.
What would you say to them?
Chances are, you’d offer kindness and encouragement, right?
Now, take that same compassion and give it to yourself.
We are often our own harshest critics, but if instead you start treating yourself with the care and understanding you'd offer your best friend, you'll feel a big positive difference! 💖
Tip: write down these positive self-talk phrases and keep them with you as a reminder to be kind to yourself!
Remember, you are capable, valuable, and worthy of success!
So keep using this first-aid kit and find support to build your confidence! 💪✨
Actions for today:
Take a moment to think about a recent time when you felt imposter syndrome. Which of these techniques might have helped you in that moment?
Who in your support network can you turn to when imposter syndrome strikes? Reach out to them and share your experiences.